Monday, March 25, 2024

Week 6 Post #9


Hi blog! Today I will be sharing my official screenplay with you guys. 

I found this video that goes over the basic elements of film scripts. This video really helped me understand the terms and cryptic lingo used within them.

I have also found this website called Masterclass and there is a section called ''How to Properly Format a Screenplay" which I have found most beneficial throughout the page. They provided the proper format and I will share with you guys the fundamental elements of a screenplay.

1. ''Action Lines''- Place action descriptions in line with the page's left margin.

2. ''Camera Angles''- Not often used in screenplay unless camera angle is essential to how a scene unfolds 

3. ''Character Names''- Write their name in all caps along with a short description in parenthesis 

4. ''Dialogue Descriptions''- Any explanations of the character's line delivery should be positioned in parenthesis right above the phrase.

5. ''Dialogue''- Write the character's name in capital letters, 3.7 inches from the left edge of the page, and centered on the page. The character's lines should be centered on the page beneath their name. Each conversation block should be indented 2.5 inches from the page's left edge.

6. ''Font''- Size 12 Courier typeface is used in industry standard screenplays.

7. ''Locations''- Scene headers should always come first, with EXT standing for "exterior" and INT for "interior''.

8. ''Off-screen or off-camera''- O.C. is used when characters are speaking off-camera and O.S. is used when characters are speaking off-screen.

9. ''Page margins''- The page should contain one inch of white space at the top and bottom, one inch of margin on the left, and one and a half inches on the right.

10. ''Page numbers''- All script pages, excluding the first, should be numbered. Generally, one minute of screen time is equivalent to one page.

11. ''Scene headings''- Scene headings belong in all caps, aligned left on the page. The abbreviations EXT. (exterior) and INT. (interior) appears at the top of each new scene

13. ''Transitions''- Write transitions like FADE OUT, FADE IN, or SMASH CUT TO

So now I am starting my screenplay but there will be adjustments to the cast. So since I got into the accident and obviously could not film two weeks ago one of my friends who I initially wanted to play Stephen will be here. My friend Lucas would play Stephen's part much better than Michael would. Also since Michael's boat is totaled we will use our friend Frankie's boat instead so he will take the place of ''Marco'' instead of the other person who was supposed to play Marco initially. 

Here is the updated cast:

  • Anastasia Johnson (Played by Dahlia) (16) (female)  - the main character - brown hair - ''baby'' of the group - quiet - laid back - gets perfect grades - best friends with Morgan since elementary - wants to be more fun - she knows her friends are bad influences but they make her have fun- strict parents - does not live in Fort Lauderdale so she comes on the weekends 
  •  Katy Walters (Played by Ashley) (16) (female) - bad influence - fun - blond - the group listens to her - full of energy - exciting - smart but doesn't care about school - best friends with Amber since they were toddlers - street smart 
  • Stephen Parker (Played by Lucas) (16) (male) - bad influence - gets in trouble - light brown hair - full of energy - loves to have fun- overdoses at the end - dropped out the second he turned 16
  • Amber Harris ( Played by Brianna) (16) (female) - rich girl - small but feisty - brown hair - does not care about school - met Morgan in art class in freshman year at 14 - 
  • Morgan Owens (Played by Kelsey) (16) (female) - quiet - very sweet - not as crazy as the others- the mom of the group - knows how to have fun when gets the chance - blond - cares about school but not the smartest- moved to Fort Lauderdale and introduced Anastasia to her new friend group 
  • Marco Lopez (Played by Frankie) (16) (male) - quiet - doesn't drink - very nice - smart - does well in school- not street smart- owns the boat
  • James Reed (Played by Michael) (16) (male) - very nice- dark brown hair- best friends with Stephen
I found this screenplay maker called YouMeScript and it was so easy to work with I am so happy I was able to find a good one. It took me a while to find a good one, easy to work with, and free. 

Surprisingly, I enjoyed making this script it didn't feel forced because I had to do this for my project. It was actually fun. However, I have a feeling that some adjustments will be made when I am actually filming, because things change at the moment. I might think of a better idea and want to change something. For example, the screenplay in the movie Interstellar, directed by Christian Nolan differed greatly from the actual outcome in the official movie. I know this because in film 2 class we were given the screenplay for the opening and compared it to the movie, so as a class we discussed the differences and there was plenty. So, I know this happens a lot, but I plan to let you guys know the different choices I made or if I did not change anything at all. 

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Week 10 Post # 19

Creative Critical Reflection CCR #1 CCR #2