Hi blog! So today I have started my editing process and I am so excited to see how this fully turns out. I am going to be using DaVinci Resolve because when I searched up the best editing softwares that was the best one so I decided to use that. If I am being honest it is pretty complicated I had to search up some YouTube videos on how to work it and there is just so much information and editing tools its hard to understand what does what. I am also having trouble with finding how to do certain things for example fading audios and scenes, adjust sound, and add effects. The video that helped me with fading scenes and audio is pasted here.
Other than that I think the app itself is really cool, like I said there is a lot of options to choose from and work with and so far I like how it is turning out. I have finished adding most of my scenes and audios, all I need to import is the scene of the missing flyer being put on a tree and my title. I then have to add my credits. However I will be using Canva instead to import the text boxes.
Editing Outline:
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