Sunday, February 18, 2024

Week 2 Post 3

 Sunday 2/18/24

Hi Blog! So I have created a February calendar for this month showing my plans for this project. And each month I plan on creating a new calendar and sharing it with you guys on here. 

Mondays and Wednesdays I have practice so I plan on blogging and working on my project on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and the weekend. The setting of my film will take place on my friends boat in Fort Lauderdale on the inter-coastal. Specially George English. We plan on filming at around 1pm and ending at approximately 7 so it is dark. I want to start off early so that the sun will be out and will display the montage of us teenagers having fun in summer even though it is not summer yet. And I plan on ending the film at night time so that the sad tone can be interpreted more. My cast will consist with my six friends and I. But we are still trying to decide who will play what parts yet. By my next blog I will have it figured out when I discuss with them and I am excited to tell you guys ! :)

My schedule for February:

And a fun little conversation between my friends and I discussing this project:

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Week 10 Post # 19

Creative Critical Reflection CCR #1 CCR #2